Germs don’t stand a chance.
When you use Germ-X® hand sanitizer, you’re eliminating 99.99% of many common harmful germs and bacteria in as little as 15 seconds. It’s perfect at home, in the classroom or on the go as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Germs don’t stand a chance.
When you use Germ-X® hand sanitizer, you’re eliminating 99.99% of many common harmful germs and bacteria in as little as 15 seconds. It’s perfect at home, in the classroom or on the go as part of a healthy lifestyle.
What’s Up With 20 Seconds to Wash Hands?
What's Up With 20 Seconds to Wash Hands? Since we can't see the germs on our hands with the naked eye, we can't observe them being scrubbed away when handwashing with soap [...]
Personal Hygiene During Medieval Times vs. Modern Hygiene
Personal Hygiene During Medieval Times vs. Modern Hygiene It may surprise you to learn that while modern knowledge has transformed our understanding of health and personal hygiene. Archeologists have found evidence of [...]
Proactive Hand Hygiene for Winter Break Travel
Proactive Hand Hygiene for Winter Break Travel We can't see germs with our eyes, so it's difficult to notice the moment we come into contact with germs. For that reason, medical experts [...]
New Year’s Resolutions Worth Thinking About
New Year's Resolutions Worth Thinking About New Year's resolutions offer us an annual opportunity to reflect on areas for improvement in our lives and change course for the upcoming year. While we [...]
Keeping Personal Items Clean During Thanksgiving Travel
Keeping Personal Items Clean During Thanksgiving Travel Although researchers have debunked the myth that the day before Thanksgiving is the busiest travel day of the year, the holiday season is still a [...]
Preparing for This Thanksgiving Holiday
Preparing for This Thanksgiving Holiday Thanksgiving is a perfect time to bond with family and friends over food. Perhaps you and your family may look forward to Thanksgiving holiday travels this month. [...]
Staying Clean and Healthy During Fall Activities
Staying Clean and Healthy During Fall Activities Looking back through photo albums, it can be so energizing to remember a particularly fun hayride or family night by the campfire. Still, we can [...]
5 Steps for a Healthier Halloween Season
5 Steps for a Healthier Halloween Season Every year, millions of children look forward to bringing home a bounty of Halloween candy after a night of trick-or-treating. Some adults look forward to [...]
How School Germs and Other Germs Make it into Your Home
How School Germs and Other Germs Make it into Your Home Sometimes it feels like we need a hazmat suit whenever our kids come home from school. But minimizing the number of [...]
The Science Behind Hand Sanitizer
The Science Behind Hand Sanitizer Using hand sanitizer may sometimes feel like magic, but have you ever thought about the science behind it? Are you curious about how it helps eliminate unwanted [...]
3 Tips to Avoid School Germs & Other Germs All Summer Long
3 Tips to Avoid School Germs & Other Germs All Summer School's out for summer! While this is always an exciting time for you and your kids, be sure not to let [...]
Health Tips For Using Public Transit
Health Tips For Using Public Transit There are so many decisions to make when planning a trip, especially if you plan to do some sightseeing on a budget. We hardly think about [...]